Client Testimonials
Aaron, 2015
“They make me wanna do it for me and I want to make them all proud aswell.”
Client’s Sister, 2014
“I was desperate when I found DiversityInCare. I was at my wits’ end with the service failures of local authorities; it came across as if they didn’t care.Within nine days, DiversityInCare referred Sara to a 24 hour support hostel. They also helped me. They asked me was How am I?, How am I coping? What support do I need?. I have never really encountered this before. I was, and am, amazed by the service they provide. Sara is doing amazing. I’ve finally got my sister back! This is a positive service and I wish more people had knowledge of DiversityInCare’s services throughout London. “
Liza, Shutter Release Workshop participant, 2013
“DiversityInCare has really helped me get through my thoughts and feelings about my addictions and helped me to vice them. Their service has really helped me. I know I wouldn’t have had the opportunity if I hadn’t been recommended by Ealing. I now want to go back and study photography and maybe consider doing a degree. They have really opened up a new avenue for more”
Susan, 2011
Thank you so much. If it wasn’t for your help, God knows what would have happened to my sister and her baby.
Bridget, 2011
The advice DiversityInCare offered got me support for my children and a good solicitor which was very helpful. My children thought we would never get any help, but the DiversityInCare team were the only ones that took time to help us.
If it wasn’t for their support, I don’t want to think about what my husband would have done to us.
Partners Testimonials
Member of Ealing Social Service Substance Misuse Team
“Roughly 30% of our clients are women many of whom have children; all present as complex and highly vulnerable. Furthermore I am confident having worked with Angela before that she has the drive and professionalism to make this women’s project work.”
Ealing Council Gateway Officer
“Angela introduced 24hr security and the threats and intimidation ceased immediately. The local police stated in one report that the local crime stats had significantly improved from the time that Angela took over the unit as Service Manager.”
“From day one Angela pulled the staff team together and they started to work proactively and coherently. She set positive boundaries of respect and discipline for the service users. There were more spot checks, fairly balanced with more efficient key working and guidance.”
Managing Director, Metropol Security
“Metropol has a proven track record in providing such a service and has, over the years built up an excellent relationship and understanding with Angela Edmondson. In Ealing, both Angela and Metropol were commended by the Police Borough Commander for the way in which the service and the property were improved upon following Angela’s appointment.”
Nicholas Crichton, District Judge at the FDAC, 2013
“I have been very impressed with what I’ve heard about DiversityInCare. I think that multi agency support is extremely important to the families we are talking about. These families desperately need the kind of support DiversityInCare is offering”
Ann McCarthy, Duty Solicitor at Highgate Magistrates Court, 2014
“The attendance of DiversityInCare at court greatly assisted in my client not going to prison for a minimum of 12 weeks.”
Russell Brand, Comedian & Activist, 2013
“I think if you are a woman there is a deficit of support, and often in the case of children, additional requirements are needed for women in recovery. So the necessary infrastructure and support is needed. Any service that is offering that additional support, it certainly has my support.”
Lyndsey Morris, Senior Transitional Worker/Aftercare Lead at RAPt Substance Misuse Service, 2014
To date, DiversityInCare has offered supported accommodation placements to five of our clients upon release from prison. Four of those clients are still residing at their accommodations and are engaging with services that they have been sign posted to, thus lowering the risk of re-offending and returning back to custody.
Ray Joseph, Recovery Coordinator at Lifeline Project (Hackney Community Drug Service), 2015
DiversityInCare would be an important partner for Lifeline Hackney Community Drug Service and I could see this partnership growing insignificantly. Since working with DiversityInCare, we have created a direct referral pathway for our service users to access accommodation with diversity and with a view to setting-up a joint working protocol.
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